A quick renewal of the face at home

mask for skin rejuvenation

With age, women's skin begins to lose moisture and subcutaneous fat, leading to dehydration and first mimicking wrinkles. Rapid facial rejuvenation at home will help you slow down the aging of your skin. And if you perform this procedure regularly, your skin will maintain a fresh and radiant look for a long time.

Facial rejuvenation at home is done in several ways: cosmetics and traditional medicines. And if a woman at the same time does not forget to take care of themselves, wash off make-up daily and apply a moisturizer, then the effect of home renewal can exceed even the results of hardware cosmetics.

Benefits of face renewal at home

The biggest plus of the renewal process at home is a pleasant feeling from the process itself. Take facial massage as an example. The operations you perform with your fingers relax the facial muscles and refresh the skin.

Another plus of renovating a home is the availability of the methods used:

  1. Peeling, scrubbing and masks can be prepared for each product in each refrigerator.
  2. All products made at home are completely natural and contain no harmful substances.
  3. Every homemade cosmetic will cost you much less than if you bought it in a store.

Skin cream for quick facial rejuvenation

Skin creams do a great job at the first signs of aging on the skin. And given that they are made from natural products, it is not possible to compare the effects of their use with any product purchased in a store.

Fresh parsley cream perfectly smoothes the skin and refreshes the complexion. To prepare this lotion, you need to take a small amount of fresh parsley (you can even use the stems) and pour boiling water over it. After the herb has been boiled in boiling water, pour the broth over and put half a glass of dry white wine into it. The cream is ready to use. It is recommended to apply it twice a day on a clean face.

Rapid facial rejuvenation at home is possible with the help of cucumber cream. To prepare it, take a cucumber and chop it with a blender. Transfer the resulting mass to a small container and fill with vodka. We insist that the future cream be for two weeks, after which it can be used. This drug is ideal for those with naturally oily skin - alcohol dries the skin and removes grease residues and cucumber evens out the complexion and gives the skin a matte texture.

Masks for facial renewal at home

Masks are a universal remedy for the care of aging skin. And aging masks made from natural ingredients are a way to restore the skin to its former freshness quickly and cheaply. In addition, the mask is a more effective skin care product than a lotion.

Mask made of milk has a good effect on the condition of the skin. To do this, heat the fresh milk slightly and add flour to make a thin slurry. Add one egg yolk and mix everything well. Now you can put the mask on the cleansed face, wait for a few minutes and then rinse the face with warm water, after that it can be washed with a napkin dipped in lemon juice. You can use this mask once every three days.

In summer you can make a good herbal mask. To do this, take fresh leaves of currant, plantain, spring, wild strawberry and hops. If suddenly you can not find hops, you can buy it in a pharmacy in dry form. In extreme cases, you can do without it. Crush the collected herbs, mix together and pour boiling water until a thick homogeneous mass is obtained. When it cools, it can be applied to the face. It is better to do this with your hands and spread the grass evenly over the entire face. After fifteen minutes, the herbal mask can be washed off.

Without extra effort and money, you can make a rejuvenating mask from mashed potatoes. It will especially appeal to the owners of dry skin. To do this, peel a few potatoes, boil them and mash. We put hot puree on the face and leave it alone for a while. Then remove the potato from the face and wipe it with a damp cotton swab. The effect of the mask will simply be amazing: wrinkles will be smoothed out and the skin will have a healthy tone.

If nature has rewarded you with oily skin with enlarged pores, then the following remedy is designed specifically for you. Take olive oil and castor oil. Mix them in equal proportions and apply with massage movements on the face. Let the oils rest for a while, even overnight, after which we remove the remaining oil with wet cotton. After the first use, you will see how refreshing your face is. And this is not surprising, because castor oil is best for cleansing pores and olive oil smoothes the skin and evens out the complexion. It is recommended to use such a tool on a clean, steamed face no more than once a week. When the oils are rinsed off the face, you can apply nourishing cream or rub the skin with cucumber cream, the recipe above.